Life Updates and How We Found Out

Photo by Rachel Wilder Photography

So it's been a good bit of forever since I've written or posted a blogpost.  I don't even think I had this long of a hiatus in mind when I gave my disclaimer at the very beginning about not being able to post often.  But alas, life happens and things get crazy busy and feel like they will never slow down and then you get one free night at home with your husband and the last thing in the world you want to do is hide behind a computer screen and tell it about your life over the past few months.  So, here I am. Months after my last post.  There's so much but also not a lot to tell...I can think of a few key updates:

A(nother) Place to Call Home
I'm not sure where we were living the last time I posted but I know we've moved at least once since then.  We live in the same area, but now have a cozy little 2 bedroom apartment that is all our own and we are loving it!  Not long after we moved in, some of our best friends moved in across the hall from us (can we say Friends: Married Couples Edition?) and we have another one of our couple friends moving in just one building over in about a month! So much fun :)  We were not so great about getting the ball rolling with decorating and such but...we are getting there.  I just have to say that after moving 3 times within our first year of marriage, we were kinda okay with taking things slow in the area of details.  We plan to get on that in the next few months because...


Ok, ok, I know that most, if not all, of you reading this already knew that, but it's just fun to say sometimes :)  With that being said...

How We Found Out
So, your first question may be whether or not we were planning on getting pregnant...Well, the truth is, no.  But, the Lord obviously had other plans in mind for us and we are thrilled!  It was a Monday morning like most...only notsomuch at all to be honest :) You see, the day before, the thought entered my mind that certain timely things hadn't been as timely. But really, it was at the prompting (read nagging) of my husband to take a pregnancy test the day before that made me decide to add that little tidbit to my typical morning routine.  I don't need to explain that process to anyone because, if you need to know, you know :) 

After that handy little informative stick was left almost forgotten for a minute on the bathroom counter, I glanced at it...then did a double...and triple...and quadruple take.  You see, where just a minute ago I had seen just one lone little pink line, it had all of a sudden developed a twin pink line right next to it.  My first thought? "Maybe that's not another pink line...Let me go ask my still slumbering husband to see what he sees on there."  So there I went, jumped on our bed, switched on the bedside lamp, and frantically asked Andrew (still in a coma-like state) "Babe! How many lines do you see??" I had to repeat the question at least twice before I got a response, but he rubbed those huge (gorgeous) blue eyes of his and said "Ummm...two? Why? What does that mean?!" After trying to calmly tell him that two is equivalent to "Hey, you're pregnant!", he quickly informed me that we were not going to work that day and that we would take a very speedy trip to the local drugstore and get the kind that clearly read "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant".  

We surely did that and about 30 minutes later, we found ourselves sitting there staring at 3 various plastic sticks all telling us the same thing...There was a baby being formed inside of me and we are parents!  After calling my OB/GYN to make an appointment, we spent the rest of the day talking and planning and dreaming and with Andrew wiping away my tears as I panicked about being a mom and whether or not I had been doing all the things I should have been in order for my body to be able to carry a baby.  Panicked may even be a light way to put it.  But, the Lord has blessed me greatly with a husband who constantly points me to Him.  In the midst of my worry and outpouring of fears, he calmly reminded me that, though we may have been completely caught off guard, the Lord wasn't.  In fact, He had known this day would come in this exact season of our life and He was and is completely sovereign over every detail.  He then prayed over me and the baby and over us as the Lord continued to prepare us to be parents and for this new season of life.  It was such a sweet time.  

Now, don't get me wrong.  I don't want you to read all of that and think I wasn't excited to be having a baby.  It's actually quite the opposite! It's just that when you have the tendency to like things planned out and the Lord takes that particular time to teach you yet again that His ways (and thoughts) are higher than yours, it's just quite a humbling moment :) We are thrilled to be parents! In fact, I tell people now that we wouldn't have the timing any other way...and that is the truth! 

So, there you have it.  Life updates in an abridged version (believe it or not :)).  Soon I hope to post how the pregnancy is going so far and be able to update along the way.  Thanks for taking a bit of time out to read and catch up with the Perrys! But now, put down your devices and spend some time with whoever is around you that you hold near and dear.  Talk soon (hopefully!)!
